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๐Ÿงช Chemical Engineering

ASE (Atomic Simulation Environment)

  • Description: A set of tools and Python modules for setting up, manipulating, running, visualizing and analyzing atomistic simulations.

  • Use Case: Used in molecular modeling, material science, and chemical reaction simulations.

  • Documentation: ASE Documentation

  • GitHub Repository: ASE GitHub


  • Description: An open-source suite of tools for problems involving chemical kinetics, thermodynamics, and transport processes.

  • Use Case: Used for solving problems in combustion, chemical kinetics, and thermodynamic calculations.

  • Documentation: Cantera Documentation

  • GitHub Repository: Cantera GitHub


  • Description: A Python package useful for solving problems in chemistry.

  • Use Case: Chemical kinetics, equilibrium, and thermodynamics calculations.

  • Documentation: ChemPy Documentation

  • GitHub Repository: ChemPy GitHub


  • Description: A thermophysical property database and wrappers for several programming languages.

  • Use Case: Used for thermodynamic calculations and property evaluations in chemical engineering.

  • Documentation: CoolProp Documentation

  • GitHub Repository: CoolProp GitHub


  • Description: An open-source chemical process simulator.

  • Use Case: Chemical process modeling, simulation, design, optimization, and analysis.

  • Documentation: DWSIM Documentation

  • GitHub Repository: DWSIM GitHub


  • Description: A plotting library for creating static, animated, and interactive visualizations.

  • Use Case: Generating plots and charts for visualizing chemical engineering data and simulation results.

  • GitHub Repository: Matplotlib GitHub


  • Description: The fundamental package for scientific computing with Python.

  • Use Case: Handling numerical computations for process simulations and calculations in chemical engineering.

  • Documentation: NumPy Documentation

  • GitHub Repository: NumPy GitHub


  • Description: Data analysis and manipulation library.

  • Use Case: Organizing and analyzing chemical process data, laboratory results, and operational data.

  • Documentation: Pandas Documentation

  • GitHub Repository: Pandas GitHub


  • Description: An open-source software package for formulating and solving large-scale optimization problems.

  • Use Case: Used in process optimization, design, and operational decision-making in chemical engineering.

  • Documentation: Pyomo Documentation

  • GitHub Repository: Pyomo GitHub


  • Description: An open-source cheminformatics software.

  • Use Case: Cheminformatics, molecular modeling, and chemical structure analysis.

  • Documentation: RDKit Documentation

  • GitHub Repository: RDKit GitHub


  • Description: Machine learning in Python.

  • Use Case: Predictive modeling and data analysis in chemical engineering applications, like process optimization and fault detection.

  • GitHub Repository: Scikit-learn GitHub


  • Description: An open-source Python library used for scientific and technical computing.

  • Use Case: Technical computations and simulations in chemical engineering research.

  • Documentation: SciPy Documentation

  • GitHub Repository: SciPy GitHub


  • Description: A Python data visualization library based on Matplotlib.

  • Use Case: Creating informative and attractive statistical graphics in chemical engineering research and data analysis.

  • Documentation: Seaborn Documentation

  • GitHub Repository: [Seaborn GitHub](



  • Description: A Python library for symbolic mathematics.

  • Use Case: Solving symbolic equations and expressions in chemical process modeling and reaction engineering.

  • Documentation: SymPy Documentation

  • GitHub Repository: SymPy GitHub


  • Description: An open-source software library for machine learning applications.

  • Use Case: Developing machine learning models for process optimization, predictive maintenance, and system identification in chemical engineering.

  • GitHub Repository: TensorFlow GitHub

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