๐ŸคHow to contribute

Guide for Contributing to this Libraries Resource

Getting Started

  1. Set Up Your Environment

    • Ensure you have a GitHub account. If not, create one at GitHub.

    • Install Git on your machine. Download it from git-scm.com.

  2. Fork the Repository

    • Go to the GitHub repository where the resource is hosted.

    • Click the 'Fork' button at the top right corner to create a copy of the repository in your account.

  3. Clone the Repository

    • Once forked, clone the repository to your local machine using the command: git clone <URL of your forked repo>.

    • Navigate to the cloned directory (cd <repo-name>).

  4. Set Upstream Remote

    • To keep your fork synced with the original repository, set up an upstream remote: git remote add upstream <URL of original repo>.

    • Regularly fetch the changes from the upstream remote: git fetch upstream.

Making Contributions

  1. Create a New Branch

    • Create a new branch for your contribution: git checkout -b <branch-name>.

    • Keep branch names descriptive about the changes you're making.

  2. Make Your Changes

    • Open the relevant files in your code editor and make your additions or modifications.

    • Ensure that your changes are well-documented and follow the existing format of the resource.

  3. Commit and Push Changes

    • After making changes, stage them for commit: git add . (to add all changes) or git add <file-name> (for specific files).

    • Commit the changes with a clear message: git commit -m "Add Python libraries for <Discipline>".

    • Push the changes to your fork: git push origin <branch-name>.

  4. Create a Pull Request (PR)

    • Go to your forked repository on GitHub and click on 'New pull request'.

    • Select your branch and compare it with the original repository's main branch.

    • Fill in the PR template, explaining your changes and why they should be added.

    • Submit the PR for review.

Best Practices for Contribution

  • Stay Updated: Regularly pull changes from the upstream repository to avoid merge conflicts.

  • Documentation: Clearly document your changes and follow the existing format.

  • Testing: If applicable, test your changes to ensure they work as expected.

  • Communication: Stay in touch with the maintainers. If you have questions or suggestions, open an issue on GitHub to discuss them.

  • Respect Guidelines: Follow any contribution guidelines provided by the repository maintainers.

Last updated