Course Outline

This page provides an outline of the topics to discussed.

  1. Getting started with Python

  2. Syntax

  3. Variables

  4. Datatypes

  5. Numbers

  6. Mathematical Operators

  7. Strings

  8. User Input

  9. Casting

  10. Git and Github

  11. Booleans

  12. Operators

  13. List

  14. Tuples

  15. Sets

  16. Dictionaries

  17. Conditionals

  18. Comparison

  19. Loops

  20. Functions

  21. Lambda

  22. Arrays

  23. Try and Except

  24. Classes/Objects

  25. Inheritance

  26. Iterator and Generator

  27. Scope

  28. Modules and Packages

  29. Date and Time

  30. Json

  31. RegEx

  32. PIP

  33. File Handling

Last updated